木須肉絲炒麵 Mu-Shu Pork Fried Noodles

材料 Ingredients
乾麵 Dried noodle2/3 磅 lb (300g)
里肌肉(切絲) Pork loin (shredded) 1/2 磅 lb (225g)
基本醃料(濃) Basic Marinade(Dark)1/2 份 portion
蛋(打散) Egg (beaten)4 個each
乾黑木耳(泡軟切絲) Dried black wood-ear fungus (rehydrated/julieened)25 克 gram
綠豆芽 Bean sprout 1/2 磅 lb (225g)
韭黃(切段) Yellow chive (cut small segments)1/4 磅 lb (113g)
蔥(切段) Scallion (cut small segments)4 支 stalk
油 Cooking oil2+2+1+3 大匙 Tbs
水 Water1/2 杯 cup
炒麵醬汁 Fried Noodle Sauce1 份 portion

2.豬肉絲與 基本醃料(濃)拌勻後醃15分鐘。


1.Follow the manufacturer's instruction to cook the noodles. Rinse the noodles under running water until they are completely cold. Drain the water and set the noodles aside.
2.Mix the pork with Basic Marinade (Dark) for 15 minutes.
3.Prepare the Fried Noodle Sauce.
4.Add 2 tbs. of oil and beaten eggs in a heated pan. Scramble the eggs until 60% done. Set the eggs aside.
5.Place 2 tbs. of oil and pork in the same pan. Sauté until the pork is 90% done. Set the pork aside.
6.Place 1 tbs. of oil and wood-ear fungus in the same pan and sauté for 1 minute. Add the mung bean sprouts, yellow chives and part A from the Fried Noodle Sauce. Sauté for 1 minute. Set the mixture aside.
7.Place 3 tbs. of oil and scallion (white part) to a wok; sauté until aromatic. Add the noodles, part B from the Fried Noodle Sauce and 1/2 cup of water; stir until all noodles are colored from the sauce.
8.At last mix in the cooked pork, egg, scallion (green part) and vegetables. Stir until well combined.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/14/2020
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